For our dogs to succeed, we need "Dog Parents" who take our "Dog Children" to another level, one that ensures they fit into society.
Below are some of the many dogs and families we have worked with who are now healthier and happier than when we first met them.
Julie & Sarge |
For some dog owners they feel they are at the end of the road. For many they have tried so many options they have sought assistance and advice and still they are lost. Some people have simply accepted it is what it is, we are always so grateful they gave it one more shot and trusted we could help them find the pathway to success! Julie contacted me to help with Sarge and his issues, within days he was leaving that old road behind. What I saw was Julie's effort being rewarded and Sarge becoming a role model for his Husky sister and showing her the new pathway to success. Awesome effort Julie, I was very impressed and so too was your sister! |
Nathan & Pack |
Nathan and Shelly contacted me with what I would call some very achievable goals but some pretty challenging dogs. Sadly they were slightly misguided by previous attempts and a bit defeated by previous attempts to seek professional help and get real results.Nathan and Shelley represent many owners who just needed a little education about their role as "dog parents", about dogs as a species, but most importantly about ENERGY. Dogs follow energy; they follow our energy every moment of every day.Nathan and Shelley, thank you for embracing the core principles of my beliefs in dog training. |
Buffy's Story
Latoya first contacted me in September
2012 to ask if I could help. Buffy has a brain injury which was
sustained as a puppy from a fall. She has limited brain function and
some physical limitations too, her hearing in one ear is affected and
her eyesight on the same side is also poor. Buffy was anxious and reactive to some people and all dogs. She was
nervous and totally unable to relax (she has a nervous "twitch" when it
gets really bad). Her basic training was something she wasn't asked to
do as her owners thought she probably couldn't do it anyway and on the
leash she was a nightmare when walking. |
Miss Penny
We first introduced Miss Penny 2 sessions ago After her 3rd session what we saw was just a dog, not her breed and not a dog who displays nervous/anxious behaviours. With routines, structure and owners who have implemented our plan what we are seeing is Penny at her best. Results are the product of effort. Miles and Ben thankyou for allowing us to work with Penny and for your effort. By giving this girl exercises to redirect her and stop her from demonstrating her old behaviours in public, we can now ensure Penny will be just a dog. |
Racheal & Jaime
The Power of Persistence! |
Melissa & Rohan
Dancing for Joy! |